The prices are based on the lowest price listed on the market.
Current Price$0.22
Average Price$0.45
7 Days Low$0.14
7 Days High$0.19
30 Days Low$0.14
30 Days High$1.44
90 Days Low$0.14
90 Days High$1.44
Year Low$0.14
Year High$1.44
Total Offers1,981
The trade statistics are based on the number of trades made between players.
Total Items850
The following statistics are based on the Steam Community Market.
Steam Last 24h438
Steam Last 7d2,814
Steam Last 30d16,313
Steam Last 90d17,862
A total of 1,981 deals are available for the Sticker | Ribbon Tie all over the market.
The prices are based on the lowest price listed on the market. It is updated instantly.
The following skins are similar to the Sticker | Ribbon Tie.
2,198 Offers Available
The Pro$3.27
354 Offers Available
Sticker Bomb Surf K$4.89
200 Offers Available
Aim And Fire$0.01
13,626 Offers Available
Nelu the Bear$0.64
400 Offers Available
767 Offers Available
968 Offers Available
966 Offers Available
1,488 Offers Available
Get Smoked$0.44
1,691 Offers Available
Wanna Fight$0.42
417 Offers Available
Boom Blast$0.04
5,155 Offers Available
Double Dip$0.09
526 Offers Available
From The Deep$0.07
4,504 Offers Available
Welcome to the Clutch$0.64
442 Offers Available
This sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon.
The description and flavour text are provided by the creator of the skin.
The Sticker | Ribbon Tie was first released on . Since then it has been available on the market.
The Sticker | Ribbon Tie is High, and has been sold 2,814 times in the last 7 days on the Steam Community Market. It has been traded 0 times in the last 7 days. We estimate that 850 Sticker | Ribbon Tie exist across all public Steam CS2 inventories.
The price of the Sticker | Ribbon Tie ranges between $0.22 and $0.22 across 23 online marketplaces. The current cheapest price of the Sticker | Ribbon Tie is $0.22 on LootFarm.
The Sticker | Ribbon Tie has a liquidity of 88.00% so the item liquidity is High. A higher liquidity means that the item is more popular and easier to sell. A lower liquidity means that the item is less popular and harder to sell. We calculate liquidity from the total volume of trades and sales that happen on the marketplaces.
You can buy the Sticker | Ribbon Tie from 23 different marketplaces, including SkinBaronWhite.MarketBuff.MarketDMarketLis-skinsCS.MONEYCSFloatWaxpeerLootFarmMarket.CSGOSwap.GGCS.MONEY MarketGamerPayShadowPaySkinOutSteamC5GameYouPin898BitSkinsBuff.163HaloSkinsSkinportSkinFlow
The Sticker | Ribbon Tie received 0 votes from the community. The community rating is 0 out of 5 stars.
The price of the Sticker | Ribbon Tie has decreased in the last 7 days.
The average price of the Sticker | Ribbon Tie is $0.45 across 23 online marketplaces.
The average price is calculated from the available prices on the market.
The Sticker | Ribbon Tie available in 0 different exteriors, has a minimum float value of and a maximum float value of . The Sticker | Ribbon Tie is available in the following wears: Paper.