CS2 Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights Prices, Stats, Charts & History


CategoryMusic Kit

RarityHigh Grade


SongEkko & Sidetrack


Bomb Planted

Bomb 10s Countdown

Choose Team

Death Cam

End of Match

Lost Round

Main Menu

Round MVP Anthem 01

Round 10s Countdown

Start Action 01

Start Action 02

Start of Match

Start Round 01

Start Round 02

Won Round

Similar Music Kits

The following skins are similar to the Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights.


There's no better time to come alive than when in the spotlight. Let the drum and bass anthem \"Under Bright Lights\" by TWERL and Ekko & Sidetrack carry you and your team to new heights.

The description and flavour text are provided by the creator of the skin.


The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights was first released on . Since then it has been available on the market.


The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights has a skin rarity of High Grade and has an estimated drop chance of 15.00% from 0 container.


The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights is Low, and has been sold 0 times in the last 7 days on the Steam Community Market. It has been traded 0 times in the last 7 days. We estimate that 0 Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights exist across all public Steam CS2 inventories.


The price of the Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights ranges between $0.00 and $0.00 across 0 online marketplaces. The current cheapest price of the Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights is $0.00 on .


The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights has a liquidity of 0% so the item liquidity is Low. A higher liquidity means that the item is more popular and easier to sell. A lower liquidity means that the item is less popular and harder to sell. We calculate liquidity from the total volume of trades and sales that happen on the marketplaces.

Where to buy?

You can buy the Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights from 0 different marketplaces, including


The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights received 0 votes from the community. The community rating is 0 out of 5 stars.


The price of the Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights has decreased in the last 7 days.

Average Price

The average price of the Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights is $0.00 across 0 online marketplaces.

The average price is calculated from the available prices on the market.


The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights available in 0 different exteriors, has a minimum float value of and a maximum float value of . The Music Kit | TWERL, Ekko & Sidetrack, Under Bright Lights is available in the following wears: Default.