The prices are based on the lowest price listed on the market.
Current Price$0.56
Average Price$1.17
7 Days Low$0.66
7 Days High$0.73
30 Days Low$0.66
30 Days High$1.01
90 Days Low$0.66
90 Days High$1.01
Year Low$0.66
Year High$1.01
Total Offers640
The trade statistics are based on the number of trades made between players.
Total Items93
The following statistics are based on the Steam Community Market.
Steam Last 24h34
Steam Last 7d260
Steam Last 30d1,029
Steam Last 90d4,813
Bomb Planted
Bomb 10s Countdown
Choose Team
Death Cam
End of Match
Lost Round
Main Menu
Round MVP Anthem 01
Round 10s Countdown
Start Action 01
Start Action 02
Start of Match
Start Round 01
Won Round
A total of 640 deals are available for the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon all over the market.
The prices are based on the lowest price listed on the market. It is updated instantly.
The following skins are similar to the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon.
1,490 Offers Available
Meechy Darko, Gothic Luxury$0.80
3,220 Offers Available
Scarlxrd, CHAIN$AW.LXADXUT.$1.40
1,269 Offers Available
Troels Folmann, Uber Blasto Phone$1.63
2,019 Offers Available
Skog, III-Arena$0.54
1,647 Offers Available
Robert Allaire, Insurgency$1.97
458 Offers Available
Matt Lange, IsoRhythm$1.50
1,544 Offers Available
Daniel Sadowski, Crimson Assault$1.78
1,389 Offers Available
Perfect World, 花脸 Hua Lian$3.20
5,764 Offers Available
Neck Deep, Life's Not Out To Get You$0.11
3,050 Offers Available
Tim Huling, Devil's Paintbrush$0.75
1,257 Offers Available
Tree Adams and Ben Bromfield, M.U.D.D. FORCE$0.40
1,365 Offers Available
DRYDEN, Feel The Power$1.68
7,372 Offers Available
Sam Marshall, Clutch$0.54
1,222 Offers Available
Rad Cat, Reason$1.66
3,764 Offers Available
Here on \"Seventh Moon\", Tree Adams rolls up a greasy mix of intergalactic funk with a driving battle score.
The description and flavour text are provided by the creator of the skin.
The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon was first released on . Since then it has been available on the market.
The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon has a skin rarity of High Grade and has an estimated drop chance of 15.00% from 0 container.
The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon is Low, and has been sold 260 times in the last 7 days on the Steam Community Market. It has been traded 0 times in the last 7 days. We estimate that 93 Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon exist across all public Steam CS2 inventories.
The price of the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon ranges between $0.56 and $1.69 across 21 online marketplaces. The current cheapest price of the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon is $0.56 on SkinOut.
The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon has a liquidity of 62.00% so the item liquidity is High. A higher liquidity means that the item is more popular and easier to sell. A lower liquidity means that the item is less popular and harder to sell. We calculate liquidity from the total volume of trades and sales that happen on the marketplaces.
You can buy the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon from 21 different marketplaces, including SkinsMonkeySkinOutC5GameBitSkinsSteamLis-skinsCS.MONEY MarketWaxpeerCS.MONEYMarket.CSGOWhite.MarketSwap.GGHaloSkinsShadowPayDMarketSkinBaronSkinportBuff.MarketYouPin898Buff.163LootFarm
The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon received 0 votes from the community. The community rating is 0 out of 5 stars.
The price of the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon has decreased in the last 7 days.
The average price of the Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon is $1.17 across 21 online marketplaces.
The average price is calculated from the available prices on the market.
The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon available in 0 different exteriors, has a minimum float value of and a maximum float value of . The Music Kit | Tree Adams, Seventh Moon is available in the following wears: Default, Default.