The float value determines the visual wear of the item. Lower values indicate better condition.
74 offers
2 trades/7d
54.00% liquidity
$1,653,559.12 marketcap
# 439 rank
The float value determines the visual wear of the item. Lower values indicate better condition.
The prices are based on the lowest price listed on the market.
The trade statistics are based on the number of trades made between players.
Historical market data for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New)
Historical market data for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New)
Marketplace distribution for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New)
Market Distribution
Eastern Markets
72.0%Western Markets
28.0%Find more skins from the same collection in these CS2 containers
Items that are similar to ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New)
Finish Details
Finish style and visual details
The Sport Gloves | Vice showcases a undefined finish style, Synthetic fabrics make these athletic gloves durable and eye-catching. These synthetic gloves are crafted from a striking mix pink and blue technical fabrics. With a float range of 0.06-0.8, it maintains consistent visual appeal.
★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) is a glove item in Counter-Strike 2 (CSGO/CS2). Synthetic fabrics make these athletic gloves durable and eye-catching. These synthetic gloves are crafted from a striking mix pink and blue technical fabrics.
Currently, ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) has 74 active listings across various marketplaces, with prices ranging from $536.75 to $22336.53 USD. The item demonstrates a 54% liquidity rate, indicating its trading activity in the market.
Trading statistics show significant market activity with 2 trades in the past 7 days, 41 trades in the last 30 days, and 69 trades over a 90-day period. This trading volume suggests steady market interest.
The Vice finish features Synthetic fabrics make these athletic gloves durable and eye-catching. These synthetic gloves are crafted from a striking mix pink and blue technical fabrics.. As a Extraordinary item, it holds a distinctive position in the CSGO/CS2 marketplace.
With a market capitalization of $1653559.12 USD and ranking #439 in the CSGO/CS2 market, ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) represents a significant market presence. The item's price history and trading patterns provide valuable insights for traders and collectors.
Steam market statistics show consistent trading activity with transactions in the last 24 hours and trades over the past week. The 30-day volume of trades indicates stable market interest.
When trading ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New), consider the following factors: provides real-time price tracking and market analysis for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New), allowing traders to:
Traders interested in ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) might also consider exploring similar items in the same category or price range. These alternatives can provide additional trading opportunities and portfolio diversification options.
The price history of ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) provides valuable insights into its market performance. Price tracking data helps traders make informed decisions. Understanding these historical patterns is crucial for predicting potential future price movements.
When considering ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) as a trading or investment option, it's important to understand the associated market volatility. The item's daily price fluctuations, trading volume variations, and market depth all contribute to its risk profile. With a liquidity rate of 54%, this item demonstrates high market liquidity compared to other CSGO/CS2 items.
Trading volume metrics for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) show:
These trading volumes indicate steady market activity and interest in this item.
Within the broader CSGO/CS2 marketplace, ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) holds position #439 by market capitalization. This ranking reflects its relative popularity and market demand compared to other items. The current market cap of $1653559.12 USD positions it as a major market player.
When developing an investment strategy for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New), consider:
With 74 current market listings, ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) provides various trading opportunities across different platforms. The average price of $16377.84 USD serves as a benchmark for market participants. Trading opportunities arise from:
The future market potential for ★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) depends on several factors:
★ Sport Gloves | Vice (Factory New) represents a major component of the CSGO/CS2 trading ecosystem. With its current market metrics, established trading patterns, and strong liquidity profile, it continues to attract interest from traders, investors, and collectors alike. The combination of market data, trading volume, and price history provides a comprehensive framework for making informed trading decisions.