2023-05-12 Nadav

Biggest Ban Wave in Counter-Strike History

Due to a mistake in the Latest Valve's Anti Cheat Update, hundreds of players received Game Bans for no reason.

CS2CSGOCounter-StrikeValveBansBan Wave

How It Started?

In the 4th of December Valve's Update they have updated something that's related to the anti cheat which later on triggered upon hundreds of Counter-Strike 2 Players which lead them to receive game bans, just by playing CS2.

Valve's CS2 Update (4th December)
Valve's CS2 Update (4th December)

How Many People got Banned?

Based on Pricempire's (our) Statistics of top 30,000 Player's Inventories we can see that:

  • 836 Banned CS2 Players
  • $5,536,053 Worth of Counter-Strike skins got banned
  • 164,504 CS2 Skins got banned
Massive amounts of CS2 Players Getting Banned
Massive amounts of CS2 Players Getting Banned

How it ended, will it happen again in the future?

Luckily for us it didn't last long and after a couple of hours Valve fixed the issue pretty fast, you should be unbanned if you got hit in this ban wave, if it related to you, please make sure to contact Steam Support as soon as possible in order to get unbanned and access back to Counter-Strike Skins Trading and the Counter-Strike 2 game itself.

We can't promise that such thing won't happen again, but from what we can see, Valve care's about their Players, they were able to resolve the issue quickly with unban all the innocent players that got banned today.

CS2 Players Are Getting Unbanned
CS2 Players Are Getting Unbanned

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