
Battle Scarred 

Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) item image
Counter-Strike 2 logo Counter-Strike 2
On Steam


Price history

Visualized price history for Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo).

Marketplace Listings

Visualized marketplace listings count for Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo).

FAQ & Statistics about Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)

What is the price of Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)?

The price of the Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) ranges between $6.43 and $11.00 across 21 online marketplaces. The current cheapest price of the Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) is $6.43 on CS.Deals.

What is the liquidity of Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)?

The Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) has a liquidity of 80% so the item is very liquid. A higher liquidity means that the item is more popular and easier to sell. A lower liquidity means that the item is less popular and harder to sell. We calculate liquidity from the total volume of trades and sales that happen on the marketplaces.

Where to buy Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)?

You can buy the Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) from 21 different marketplaces, including CS.Money Market, Dmarket, CS.Deals,, Gamerpay, Youpin.

What's is the community rating of Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)?

The Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) received 1 votes from the community. The community rating is 5.00 out of 5 stars.

What's is the price trend of Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)?

The price of the Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) has down in the last 7 days.

What's the average price of Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)?

The average price of the Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) is $7.50 across 21 online marketplaces.

Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) Prices, Graphs, Stats, and more.

Check the item's price, graphs, and more. All the information you need about the item is here.

Item Price Stats

7 Days Low$6.57(0%)
7 Days High$6.84(-3.95%)
30 Days Low$6.57(0%)
30 Days High$7.00(-6.14%)
52 Weeks Low$5.51(19.24%)
52 Weeks High$7.58(-13.32%)
7 Days Price Change$0.12(1.86%)
30 Days Price Change-$0.13(-1.94%)
Cheapest Price$6.57

Steam Volume

7 Days Steam Volume243
30 Days Steam Volume1,175
90 Days Steam Volume4,349

Item Metadata

Steam App ID730
Weapon ID (Defindex)N/A
Weapon NameN/A
Paint Finish NameN/A
Paint Finish IndexN/A
Minimum Float valueN/A
Maximum Float valueN/A
Skin RarityN/A
Family NameN/A

Market Statistics

Item Rank by Marketcap4,851
Fully Diluted Marketcap$74,057.04
Total Supply11,272
New Supply (30d)-1,520

Supply Overview

5.00 Rating 1 Votes

Liquidity Indicator

The higher the liquidity indicator is, the easier an item is to sell. Liquidity is calculated from the volume of trades & sales.

Item Trading Volume

1 Day Trading Volume0
7 Days Trading Volume0
30 Days Trading Volume0
90 Days Trading Volume0
180 Days Trading Volume0

Trading Volume Last 30 Days

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